How to Enable Azure AD SSO for 3rd Party Authentication?

In order to enable Azure AD as a login option for the NordLayer application, you will need to do the following:

1. Log in to your Azure panel

2. Click App registrations in the main menu

3. Click New registration

4. In the Name field, enter NordLayer

5. Select your supported account types

6. Click Register at the bottom of the page

7. In the newly opened page, select API permissions tab in the left menu

8. Click Add a permission and add the following permissions:

  • select Microsoft Graph, and choose Delegated permissions
  • mark profile and email under OpenId permissions
  • scroll to the bottom and make sure that under UserUser.Read is check marked as well

9. Confirm the selections by pressing on Add permissions at the bottom

10. Press on Grant admin consent for at the top to grant admin consent for this directory on behalf of all of your users

11. Confirm this option by choosing Yes on the opened prompt

12. Head to Token configuration tab on the left side

13. Select Add optional claim and choose Token type – ID, mark Claims: emailupn and save your selection by pressing on Add the bottom

14. Open Authentication tab in the left menu

15. Select Add a platform at the top

16. Choose Web

17. Enter to Redirect URls field

18. At Implicit grant and hybrid flows, check Access tokens and ID tokens

19. Save the changes by clicking on Configure at the bottom

20. Open Overview in the left menu

21. Copy Application (client) ID and keep it safe

22. Copy Directory (Tenant) ID and keep it safe

23. Open Certificates & secrets tab in the left menu

24. Choose Client secrets tab and press New client secret

25. In the description field, enter NordLayer

26. In the expiry field, select 24 months

27. To save the changes, click on Add the bottom

28. Copy the generated Value and keep it somewhere safe as it is displayed only once

Once you have all these three values: Application (client) IDDirectory (Tenant) ID and Generated Client Secret Value, you can head to the Control Panel on our website and navigate to Settings – Login options. By choosing Azure AD you will be prompted to enter those three collected values. Once you submit this information, your organization members will now have the ability to log into the NordLayer application using Azure AD.

