
How to Configure Security Headers in Nginx and Apache

Introduction HTTP security headers are very important part of website security as it protect you against different types of attacks including, XSS, SQL injection, clickjacking, etc. When you visit any website from your web browser, your browser requests it from the web server where the web site is hosted on. The web server then responds Read More


How to Migrate from CentOS 8 to CentOS Stream

Author: Vivek Gite  Step 1 – Backup Like every seasoned developer and sysadmin, I backed up all my project files, MySQL database and config files. So if something goes wrong, I should be able to go back quickly. That is all. Hence, keep verified backups. I have following software installed: ELEP repo enabled for CentOS 8 Read More


Save and Export Firewall Configurations – Palo Alto Firewalls

Saving a backup of the candidate configuration to persistent storage on the firewall enables you to later revert to that backup (see Revert Firewall Configuration Changes). This is useful for preserving changes that would otherwise be lost if a system event or administrator action causes the firewall to reboot. After rebooting, PAN-OS automatically reverts to the Read More


Automate Backup Microsoft SQL Server Express Databases

by John Litchfield Have you ever attempted to setup an automated backup of your SQL Server Express database server, only to discover that the handy job scheduler maintenance options that you are accustomed to using with the full version of SQL Server are not available with the express edition? After a brief search of Google, Read More


How to Renew an Expired Certificate – Palo-Alto Firewall

You have the renew option at the bottom of the certificates page : certificate renew optionIn case a certificate expires or is about to expire, select the corresponding certificate and click Renew. Set the validity period (in days) for the certificate and click OK. If the firewall is the CA that issued the certificate, the firewall replaces it Read More