A Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) service automatically updates the IP address information that is assigned to your host (domain) name. Whenever the IP address of your host name changes, the associated DNS server is updated.
NETGEAR is partnered with No-IP to provide DDNS services. Create a NETGEAR No-IP account to set up your MyNetgear.com host name.
To set up a NETGEAR Dynamic DNS account on your NETGEAR Nighthawk router:
- Launch an Internet browser from a computer that is connected to your router’s network.
- Visit http://www.routerlogin.net.
- Enter your router’s user name and password.
The default user name is admin. The default password is password.
The BASIC page displays. - Select the ADVANCED tab.
- Select Advanced Setup > Dynamic DNS.
- Make sure that the option for Use a Dynamic DNS Service is selected.
- Make sure that the NETGEAR (default) option is selected in the dropdown menu next to Service Provider.
- Under the Do you have a NETGEAR DDNS or a No-IP DDNS account? section, select the No radio button.
- Fill in the text fields for Host Name, Email, and Password.
Note: For Host Name, enter your mynetgear.com host name (for example, yourname.mynetgear.com). The email and password that you enter are your login credentials for your No-IP account. - Click Register.
A message displays stating that you a confirmation email was sent. - Click OK.
- Open the confirmation email from MyNETGEAR Dynamic DNS & No-IP and click the activation link.
You are redirected to the No-IP login page and an account activation message displays. - Verify that your NETGEAR DDNS account is working:
- From the Dynamic DNS page in your router’s web interface, select the Yes radio button for the Do you have a NETGEAR DDNS or a No-IP DDNS account? option.
- Click the Show Status button at the top of the page.
- Make sure that the IP address listed matches the WAN IP address of your router.
Note: Your router’s WAN IP address is listed on a sticker located on your router or the Dashboard screen of your router.
To manage your NETGEAR DDNS account:
- Launch an Internet browser and visit https://www.noip.com/login.
- Enter your No-IP user name and password.
- Select Hosts/Redirects > Manage Devices.
Your NETGEAR router displays.
Ref: https://kb.netgear.com/23860/How-do-I-set-up-a-NETGEAR-Dynamic-DNS-account-on-my-NETGEAR-Nighthawk-router