
How to Show Computer Configurations on Desktop’s Background

Introduction How many times have you walked up to a system in your office and needed to click through several diagnostic windows to remind yourself of important aspects of its configuration, such as its name, IP address, or operating system version? If you manage multiple computers you probably need BGInfo. It automatically displays relevant information about Read More


How to Install an Application Remotely with PsExec?

Download PsExec from there.  Download PsTools (3.5 MB) Quick reference Create a BAT file (For example: cs.bat) with the below command line \\File_Server\CrowdStrike\WindowsSensor.MaverickGyr.exe” /quiet /norestart CID=4B01xxxxxxxxxxxxx Run the below command to install Crowdstrik windows Agent remotely psexec \\computer-to-be-installed-on -s -c \\File_Server\CrowdStrike\cs.bat Or you can create a serverlist.txt to install multiple servers with only one command psexec Read More


How to Create a Dynamic Group to Include All Intune MDM Devices

You can create attribute-based rules to enable dynamic membership for a group in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), part of Microsoft Entra. Dynamic group membership adds and removes group members automatically using membership rules based on member attributes. This article details the properties and syntax to create dynamic membership rules for users or devices. You Read More


Top 8 EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response)

What is EDR (endpoint detection and response)? EDR, also referred to as Endpoint Detection and Response, is a security solution that works by using continuous real-time monitoring and collecting endpoint data that could indicate a threat. It does so with analysis capabilities and rules-based automated responses. The function of an EDR security system is to Read More


How to Disable Recent Files in Windows 10

Open Personalization in the Settings app. Click/tap on Start on the left side. Turn on or off to Show recently opened items in Jump Lists on Start or the taskbar for what you want. Source You can also set the following registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Just set the DWORD Start_TrackDocs value to the desired setting 0 = Turn off 1 = Turn on


Use PowerShell to Find Installed Software Quickly

by Gayathri R Nayak  In certain situations, we may need to check the list of installed software and its version and for this, we can make use of PowerShell. Here at Bobcares, we have seen several such PowerShell related queries as part of our Server Management Services for web hosts and online service providers. Today, we’ll take a Read More