
10 Best Beginner Hikes Around Vancouver

By: Jennifer Kolbuc PACIFIC SPIRIT REGIONAL PARK A beautiful forest trail in Pacific Spirit Regional Park. One of Vancouver’s gems, this west side park in the city encompasses 750 hectares of forest. Numerous trails crisscross your way around the park with various entry and exit points. It’s the perfect place to get “lost in the woods” Read More


Lock or Unlock Specific Areas in Excel

By default, protecting a worksheet locks all cells so none of them are editable. To enable some cell editing, while leaving other cells locked, it’s possible to unlock all the cells. You can lock only specific cells and ranges before you protect the worksheet and, optionally, enable specific users to edit only in specific ranges of Read More


SOAP vs. REST: A Look at Two Different API Styles

When talking about API (application programming interface) architectures, it’s common to want to compare SOAP vs. REST, two of the most common API paradigms. Although the two are often compared as apples to apples, they’re inherently different technologies and aren’t easily compared on a granular level. Why? Because SOAP is a protocol, and REST is an architectural style. A REST Read More


How to Reset Windows 10 Local Admin Password with Command Prompt

Command Prompt is one of effective ways to reset Windows 10 local admin password. It’s a good solution whether you forgot the password or just want to change the old password. Now this page will show you how to reset Windows 10 local admin password with Command Prompt in the two cases: when you are signed in & Read More


Post-COVID In-Store eCommerce Trends: BOPIS, ROPIS, and BORIS

 By Jimmy Rodriguez It’s no secret that the global pandemic has dramatically changed the world. People are now more cautious about getting together, going to public places, and even shopping. When the pandemic started, the panic shopping that followed resulted in necessary items becoming a priority and non-essential items being almost completely forgotten. Now that things Read More