
Solutions for “This system is not registered” on Red Hat/ Centos 8

Solutions for “This system is not registered” on Red Hat/ Centos 8 Step 1: in the plugin configuration file disable plugin. Change the enabled from “=1” » to “=0” # vim /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf enabled=0 Step 2: disable the subscription manager repository by below command # subscription-manager config –rhsm.auto_enable_yum_plugins=0


How to Enable Cloudflare Content Delivery Network (CDN) for Free and no Plug-in required

By: Brad Litwin Here’s how to set up Cloudflare for your website in three steps: Create a Cloudflare account and add your site. Update your domain name servers and choose a plan. Review your Cloudflare security settings. See below for detail. No one likes a slow website – that much is obvious. The problem is Read More


Configure Apache 2 to Control Browser Caching

Original: by Jason Potter | Updated: June 4, 2020Reading Time: 9 minutes Today we are configuring browser caching control on common Apache 2 Dedicated servers or VPS servers. Caching is a great tool to reduce server resource consumption, bandwidth utilization and provide a faster end-user experience to visitors. To get familiar with caching concepts, simply review our ‘What is Caching?’ tutorial. Preflight Check Read More


How To Move A WordPress Site Manually (No Plug-in And Phpmyadmin Required)

How To Move A WordPress Site Manually (No Plugin And Phpmyadmin Required)? This article is assuming both old and new server are ruing same software, like Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. Step 1: Backup all files on the old server  /var/www  /etc/httpd  /etc/php.ini Step 2: check the exiting configures from wp-config.php define( ‘DB_NAME’, ‘wp’ ); /** Read More


How to Fix Credssp Encryption Oracle Remediation Error on RDP (Remote Desktop Connection)

How to Fix Credssp Encryption Oracle Remediation Error on RDP (Remote Desktop Connection) “An authentication error has occurred. The function requested is not supported Remote computer: This could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation. For more information, see…” Follow These Simple Steps to Fix CredSSP Encryption Oracle Remediation on Your PC 1) Go Read More


Create A DHCP Lease Scope Dedicated For SonicWALL GVC Clients.

DESCRIPTION: This article describes how to create a DHCP dynamic lease scope without binding it to any interface of the SonicWall UTM appliance. Such a lease scope can have an IP address range not configured on any interface of the SonicWall. This would be helpful in environments where the administrator requires GVC users to have Read More