
How to Deploy an Application by Creating an Atera Script

Note: To create a script: 1. Go to Admin > Monitoring and automation > Scripts. 2. Click Create script. The Create script page appears. 4. Fill in the mandatory fields: 5. Click More script properties to fill in other fields (optional). 6. Enter the script in the script editor. Then click Create. The script is created and will appear in the My scripts tab. Create, upload, and generate Read More


How to Create A Policy to Force Reboot Computers in Atera

Configuration policies will be immediately applied to the associated agents when created (or saved). They will also be reapplied every 12 hours to ensure compliance across your end-user devices. Note:  Full admin access is required to create and assign policies to Customers, Folders, and Agents. Technicians can assign policies to individual Agents only, as long Read More