
How to decommission an AD FS server Correctly

Microsoft Entra ID provides a simple cloud-based sign-in experience to all your resources and apps with strong authentication and real-time, risk-based adaptive access policies to grant access to resources reducing operational costs of managing and maintaining an AD FS environment and increasing IT efficiency. For more info on why you should upgrade from AD FS to Microsoft Read More


How to Enable or Disable RDP NLA from PowerShell Windows Server 2016/2019/2022

By default, you might find RDP firewall rules disabled, which prevent RDP connections to the server. To enable preset firewall rules of RemoteDesktop, use the following PowerShell command: Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup ‘Remote Desktop’ or from CMD, append powershell.exe in the beginning: powershell.exe Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup ‘Remote Desktop’ To disable RDP Network Level Authentication (NLA), use the following Read More


How to Change the TimeZone by Using PowerShell

Azure VM sets it’s time zone as UTC by default. Sometimes, the settings might also grey out, so you cannot modify it from the GUI. So, it follows the time always until you set a different time zone. I am doing the settings in the following way:. I hope this will help you too.The steps Read More


How To Find Domain Controllers That Hold Master Roles

Use DCDIAG On a Windows Domain Controller, run the following command: Use the NTDSUTIL Tool NTDSUTIL is a tool included with Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server. This tool is can be used to verify change certain aspects of the Active Directory. The following is the steps needed to Read More