How to Calculate Weekly Average with DAX Formulas


A bit of context – I have a dataset with a date table and a table which is a list of ‘Tickets issued’. They are linked via Issued Date.

I am trying to get the average number of tickets Issued a week, for each location (tickets have the location that they were issued to).

I currently have the following DAX, but it isn’t calculating properly (e.g. giving a greater average for a location with a lower number of the total issued – see snapshot below) and I think this is due to the ‘Week Number’ resetting at the start of each year when my data spans 3+ years:

Average Issued = AVERAGEX(VALUES( 'V_Date Table'[WeekNum]),[Total Issued])

Date Table =

V_Date Table = 
ADDCOLUMNS (CALENDAR (DATE(2017,1,1), DATE(2025,12,31)),
"DateAsInteger", FORMAT ( [Date], "DDMMYYYY" ),
"Year", YEAR ( [Date] ),
"Monthnumber", FORMAT ( [Date], "MM" ),
"YearMonthnumber", FORMAT ( [Date], "MM-YYYY" ),
"YearMonthShort", FORMAT ( [Date], "mmm-YYYY" ),
"MonthNameShort", FORMAT ( [Date], "mmm" ),
"MonthNameLong", FORMAT ( [Date], "mmmm" ),

Total Issued:

Total Issued = DISTINCTCOUNT(R_Issued[Reference])

[Reference] is just a unique reference code for each ticket.

Snapshot of current DAX not working (for a date range of the last 6 months, e.g.):


Does anyone have a way to calculate this, (or know where I am going wrong), so that it works with any date range?


A few ideas here:

1. Yes, since Week Numbers repeat in different years, you won’t get an accurate result by iterating over those within AVERAGEX.

I would recommend adding a column Week Start to your Date Table, with an expression like this (that would treat each week as beginning on a Sunday), or some variation:

[Date] - WEEKDAY ( [Date],2 )

Then rewrite your measure as:

Average Issued = AVERAGEX ( VALUES( 'V_Date Table'[WeekStart] ), [Total Issued] )

2. Something to watch out for: AVERAGEX ignores blanks when averaging, and you could have blanks if a week had no tickets issued at all within a week at a particular location. So a safer measure would be:

Average Issued = AVERAGEX ( VALUES( 'V_Date Table'[WeekStart] ), [Total Issued] + 0 )

While I generally wouldn’t recommend turning blank measure results into zero in this way, in this case it’s acceptable as we have a known number of weeks that we are iterating over and we need to use zero in the calculation.

3. Another option entirely is to write the measure as:

Average Issued =
    [Total Issued],
    COUNTROWS ( 'V_Date Table' )
) * 7

This avoids the problem of blank weeks in point 2, and will handle partial weeks appropriately. This assumes you would filter on a date range that doesn’t include future (or past) dates that have no tickets issued.
