How to add month/year to filename in VBA

I got a question like this:

Is it possible when saving a file in vba to add the current month/year to the end of the filename with the format mmm/yy?

The code I have so far…..

<code>Workbooks(“test.xls”).SaveCopyAs (“C:\xls files\test.xls”)</code>

I need the month/year to be added to test.xls so that it looks like “test_Oct-07.xls”

Let’s do the magic with below codes

Workbooks(“test.xls”).SaveCopyAs (“C:\xls files\test_” & Format(Date,”mmm-yy”) & “.xls”)

Below, it is another sample for adding year and last month in different format:

Path = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\"
nfname = "SLGA_NCD_" & Format(Now() - 30, "yyyy-mmm") & ".xlsx"